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OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

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Rochester , MI 48309-4482
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OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

225 Funding Positions - Regulations and Procedures


RATIONALE: To ensure that all hiring and/or commitment of salary and benefits are supported by an appropriate resource allocation before any hiring offers or personnel commitments are made.

365英国上市官网(大学)有一个职位控制流程,以确保所有新员工所需的资金, replacements, reclassifications, upgrades, promotions and other budget related personnel matters is available, properly allocated, and attached to the position.


The parameters below are applicable to positions funded by General Funds. Positions funded by the School of Medicine, grants, auxiliary and other Non-General Funds will not be subject to the controls noted below, 但是,这些职位的经费必须在适用预算的限制范围内.


New academic programs are an exception to this policy. Base Budget for these programs are managed through the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs New Program Pool and allocated annually on a one-time basis according to the program proformas submitted the prior year.


管理位置控制过程所需的批准在 Personnel Actions table.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: 所有资助永久职位的大学部门必须遵守这一政策.



Fringe Benefits/Fringes:根据员工等级向员工提供的直接工资/薪金以外的补偿.


General Funds: Funds in the University accounting system (beginning with a 1xxxx), 维持与大学的学术和教学计划及其管理有关的交易. All General Funds are monitored by the Budget Office.


Non-General Funds: Include designated funds, auxiliary funds, expendable restricted funds, loan funds, endowment funds, plant funds, retirement and insurance funds, and agency funds. All non-General Funds are monitored by the Accounting Office.


Temporary/One-Time Funding:拨给一个部门的一笔非经常性资金,用于支付一个特别项目或雇用临时员工.


Base/Permanent Funding在每一预算期开始时提供给某一部门的一笔经常性资金.

Permanent Reallocation Pool: Individual funds assigned to each Division to account for any base funding differences from permanent hiring or elimination of positions in their respective areas.


Temporary Reallocation Pool: Individual funds assigned to each Division to account for the accumulation and usage of one-time salary savings from positions in their respective areas.


Staff: For the purposes of this document, “工作人员”一词包括下列雇员类别:行政专业人员(ap), Individual Contract (IC), Clerical Technical (CT), Police Officers, Police Sergeants, Dispatchers and Service Maintenance Skilled Trades.


Faculty Positions:


Faculty positions are established by approval from the Provost. Identification of either Base Funding or annual One-Time Funding resources (allowable for positions in a New Academic Program) must accompany the establishment of a new position.


When a faculty position is vacated, 该职位的工资预算将一次性转入教务处教员再分配池. These savings can be used by the Provost to meet other academic affairs-related needs. 当一个现有的教师职位被雇用替代或一个新的教师职位被批准时, 支持该职位所需的资金可以从教务处教师再分配池中转移.


教师职位的任何工资节省由教务高级副校长(或指定人员)管理。. These funds may not be used for or transferred to administrative positions. Conversely, 分配给行政职位的经费不得用于或转移给教师职位. 这一限制的例外情况只能由主席或主席指定的人提出.


Unused budgeted salaries for faculty on unpaid or partially paid sabbatical or phased retirement will move to the Faculty Reallocation Pool. 各系负责支付临时代替休假的兼职教员的费用.


Staff Positions:


It is the Office of Budget and Financial Planning’s (Budget Office) responsibility to manage the non-faculty budgets for all salary and Fringe Benefit accounts. 部门负责任何非中央资助的基本预算调整.


General Controls


To manage the Position Control Process, 总裁和每个事业部副总裁将获得两笔事业部再分配池资金, a Temporary Pool and a Permanent Pool.


With the exception of Skilled Trades and Police positions, when a position is vacated temporarily, a one-time transfer of the salary savings will be made to the Division’s Temporary Pool. 一旦该职位填补,将向该职位返还足够的一次性资金,以支付本财政年度的工资费用.


Any Base savings resulting after a position is filled will be transferred to the appropriate Division Vice President’s Permanent Reallocation Pool on a permanent basis with the exception of CT positions paid over standard C rate. 这些资金是永久性节余,可由该司用来支付今后与基薪有关的需要.


员工职位的设立要经过薪酬和预算办公室副总裁的批准 Personnel Actions Table. A new position number will be created to establish new positions as well as existing positions whose responsibilities are changed entirely.


大学人力资源部不会向超出该职位预算的候选人提供offer. 他们将把此类招聘请求返回给申请部门,以解决任何资金问题.


The appointment of a new position cannot be entered into the Banner system until the position funding has been identified and verified by the Budget Office.


A department may redefine a vacant position based on changing departmental needs. No approvals for this change will be needed as long as the redefined position has been reviewed by Compensation for banding purposes and will be paid at or below the Base Funding available from the redefined position. Vice President, Compensation and Budget Office approval will be needed if the redefined position is to be paid at a higher rate than the current Base Funding. 此外,支付加薪的资金来源必须由部门确定. The Budget Office will then verify the incremental funding source.


When there is an AP, CT or IC vacancy, 临时薪金储存库中节省的薪金可转回各部门,以支付招聘开支, temporary replacement costs and severance obligations, contingent upon approval by the Budget Office. 临时重置费用可能超过前任在职人员的工作时数或薪金率, 但所有这些费用的总额必须由空缺所节省的薪金或其他部门资金提供. When the vacancy is filled, the funding required to support that position for the balance of the fiscal year will be transferred from the Temporary Division Reallocation Pool to the departmental budget where the position resides. 超出工资储蓄的费用由部门负责.


Funds remaining in the Temporary Reallocation Pool after temporary employee costs, 已支付的招聘费用和遣散费将在年底退还给大学,以便重新分配给其他用途. For that reason, it is important that the department contact the Budget Office to request approved expenditures be paid from the Temporary Division Reallocation Pool prior to first close at year end.


Funding for severance payouts that follow the guidelines established in the Administrative Professional Manual or union contracts may be covered by salary savings from that position. Any payments in excess of those guidelines, or in excess of the salary savings available, are the responsibility of the department.


When an employee is on paid sick leave, the out of class pay or replacement costs related to the vacancy will be covered from central sources (no salary savings are available) after one week of vacancy.


When an employee is moved to another position, the funding in the original position must stay with that position. It is not moved to the new position. If a transfer of funds to a new position is desired (ie: a reorganization), that transfer must be approved by the Divisional Vice President.


Merit and contractual increases for all active employees are centrally funded following Board of Trustees and Presidential approvals.


When raises are issued, 适当的筹资百分比将加到各司常设再分配池中剩余的基本资金中.


When raises are issued, the appropriate raise percentage for each vacant position will be added to the budget for that position to ensure that funding for positions remaining vacant for longer periods are appropriately increased.


When a non-contractual vacant position is filled (employee begins employment) after the first business day in any calendar year, the position will not be eligible for a salary increase in the upcoming fiscal year. 因此,预算办公室将不会在新财政年度调整该职位的可用资金.


Employee Class Specifics:


Police, Dispatch, Skilled Trades: When a Police, Dispatch or Skilled Trades position is vacated during the year, 该职位的预算将保留在部门,以便根据需要支付课外工资或加班费以填补空缺.


Casual Positions: Casual employees are paid from the wage budget rather than the salary budget. When a casual employee is hired, the department is expected to have sufficient funds in the wage and Fringe budget to cover the projected cost of the Casual employee for the current fiscal year. If budget funds are not sufficient, the department must expedite a budget transfer to cover the shortage. 预算可以从部门的可控制的运营账户(如供应)中转移 & Services, Equipment, Telephone or Travel.


Clerical Position Funding: As a general rule, 大学集体谈判协议涵盖的CT职位按现行合同标准费率提供资金, referred to as C step or C rate, for each respective grade, C1 through C10. CT职位的资助费率不低于C费率,但不高于该薪金等级的最高费率.


Positions are funded based on the incumbent holding the position, as long as that is the only reason for the differential from the standard C rate. Increases granted to an Employee as a result of reclassifications, upgrades, etc. are subject to the rules noted below under Permanent Funding.


Vacant positions: When a vacant position funded at the standard C rate is filled with an existing CT employee that is entitled to be paid above the C rate for the salary grade, 额外的普通基金资金将提供到支付给雇员的水平.


Conversely, 当以前由CT员工担任的空缺职位的薪酬高于C时, is filled by an employee to be paid at the C rate or lower, the funding differential between the standard C rate and the current excess rate will be moved to the University’s central fund.


Grandfathered CT Funding: As a result of past agreements, a number of CT employees may be paid more than the established rate for the C step. Special rules are applicable for these circumstances only.


Permanent Funding for All Staff Positions:

On a permanent basis, if no change in salary results from the replacement/hire, no action is taken regarding the position Base Budget and the annual salary for that position is rolled forward for the next fiscal year in the respective department’s compensation budget.


On a permanent basis, if there are salary savings resulting from a replacement/hire, the net savings will be held in the appropriate Reallocation Pool to be used to cover subsequent decisions to increase Base Funding for other positions.


On a permanent basis, if there is a desire to increase Base Funding for a position, Base Funds must be identified prior to posting or upgrading the position. If it is determined that increased funding is needed after the position has been posted, 在提供就业机会之前,必须确定资金来源,这必须得到该部门副总裁的批准, Compensation Office and Budget Office. 该部门负责在提供就业机会或提升职位之前确定资金.


One-Time funding for All Positions:

由一次性基金提供资金的职位将在每个财政年度结束时(或在资金耗尽时)失效, whichever comes first) unless One-Time Funds or Permanent Funds are identified to support that position in the upcoming fiscal year. This identification of funding is the responsibility of the department. Identification of funds to support the position should take place 30-60 days prior to the next fiscal year or depletion of existing funds.

Employees hired with One-Time Funds should be informed at the time of hire that if no additional source of funding is identified to continue funding their position, their employment will be terminated on the last day of the period covered by the funding.


Additional Resources:


Additional resources can be found on the Budget Office Webpage, including the Personnel Actions Table and Position Control Practices.




Personnel Actions Table


Position Control Practices