
OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

1170 Student Employment

AUTHORIZING BODY:负责学术事务的高级副总裁兼首席多元化官

RATIONALE:    To provide guidance and requirements for student employment and to ensure compliance with regulations, rules, 以及与学生就业相关的政策.


鼓励学生就业,提高学生的教育兴趣, 支持学生的经济需要, 并为学生提供工作经验.  Oakland University (OU) staff who hire student employees and students who perform work at OU and meet the definition of a student employee are subject to the requirements of this policy.  所有学生就业政策, processes, procedures, and practices are administered through the OU  Financial Aid Office and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.  Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships and in accordance with regulations, rules, and policies. 

研究生助教政策, processes, procedures, and practices are administered through the Oakland University Graduate School and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:  This policy is applicable to all OU faculty and staff who employ students and to all students performing work at OU.


Federal Work Study: Federal financial aid program that provides partial funding of wages for student employees who qualify. 

Graduate Assistantships: Graduate student employees who are performing research and/or teaching and/or other services that are relevant to their academic program of study during the term of their appointment. 

Hiring Supervisor: OU faculty and/or staff who has departmental financial authority and is responsible for employing students to work in on-campus jobs. 

Regular Student Employment: 公开大学部门资助的学生雇员工资计划. 

Student Employee: 已被公开大学学位课程录取的个人, 或正在参加开放大学英语作为第二语言课程(“ESL”), 开放大学美国学期海外项目(ASAP), 或者作为交换生在开放大学就读, (ii)其主要目的是作为一名学生, (iii)至少有一半时间在公开大学注册, (iv) is authorized to work for OU in the United States; (v) who meets the requirements for an available position at OU, (vi)被公开大学聘用为学生雇员.  An individual might be considered a Student Employee during temporary periods of non-enrollment, 如夏季学期如果个人满足 eligibility criteria established and amended from time-to-time by OU and - in the case of an international student - is permitted by law to be considered a Student Employee during a period of non-enrollment.    


招聘主管需要发布学生就业职位, 研究生助教奖学金除外, following the Financial Aid Office's posting procedures (see Appendix - 招聘主管须知).  Positions must be posted a minimum of three days before a student can be selected for a position.  不得通过其他渠道发布365英国上市官网


Students cannot begin working until authorized by the Financial Aid Office or by the Graduate School for graduate assistants.  Working a student without an authorization violates University policy and puts the University at risk for fines and/or penalties from the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. 美国国土安全部.S. 并可能危及国际学生的签证状态. 


除非本政策另有规定, 或受适用法律的其他限制, student employees can work up to 25 hours per week during the fall and winter semesters when classes are in session, and 40 hours per week during weeks when classes are not in session and during the summer; provided, however, 适用的法律可能会限制一些学生雇员, 包括但不限于国际, ESL和ASAP学生和交换生, 在学年的某些时间减少工作时间.  注意:考试被认为是上课.  按10月1日至9月30日计算,学生雇员每年最多可工作1440小时.  除非法律要求,否则学生雇员没有资格享受福利. 

International, ESL, 交换生和ASAP学生每周工作时间不能超过20小时, 在积极招生期间, unless expressly permitted by applicable law and approved in advance and in writing by the Financial Aid Office (undergraduate and/or graduate students) or the Graduate School (graduate assistants) and have obtained approval from the International Students and Scholars Office.      

Graduate students who receive a full-time Graduate Assistantship are required to provide an average of 20 hours/week service during the fall and winter semesters, 如他们的研究生助教合同所述.  Full time Graduate Assistants cannot work any additional student employment assignments at OU without prior written approval from the Graduate School.  An international student must also gain approval from the International Students and Scholars Office.

Graduate students who receive a part-time Graduate Assistantship are required to provide an average of 10 hours/week service during the fall and winter semesters, 如他们的研究生助教合同所述.  Part-time Graduate Assistants can work up to an additional ten hours of Regular Student Employment assignments but cannot work more than ten additional hours of Regular Student Employment without prior written approval from the Graduate School.  

最高工作时数适用于每周工作时数之和 all 在开放大学的学生雇员所持有的职位.  Student Employees working multiple jobs must inform their hiring supervisor of all their OU jobs.  学生员工需要自我监控他们每周的总工作时间, combined for all jobs, 确保他们不超过每周的限制.  超过每周工作时间限制的学生员工可能会被解雇.  Hiring Supervisors are also responsible for monitoring the weekly and cumulative total number of hours worked by their student employees.  The Hiring Supervisor must document the day and time of day worked for each Student Employee.  学生的工作时间是有报酬的.  工作时间必须按规定报告 OU’s Payroll Office work time reporting procedures and documentation of the day and time of day worked must be retained by the Hiring Supervisor.  虚报工作时间违反了《365英国上市官网》.S. Department of Labor, U.S. 国土安全部和美国联邦调查局.S Department of Education regulations and University policy; this includes reporting work time on days and times the student did not work and/or exceeding the maximum hours allowed. Violations of the policy places the University at risk for federal fines and/or penalties and can jeopardize the visa status of international students.


有权接触机密信息(如教育记录)的学生雇员, student financial information, health information, 而且社保号必须签字 365英国上市官网员工和学生实习生保密协议 form.  该表格必须由招聘主管提交给学生雇员.  招聘主管必须在学生雇员的就业档案中保留签名副本.  The Hiring Supervisor must ensure that Student Employees understand that confidential information is not to be used in any way other than what is necessary as part of their job duties.  Hiring Supervisors must also ensure that Student Employees are familiar with Oakland University's 政策830 -资讯科技 and 政策860 -信息安全 policies.

政策200 -授权签名者

政策406 -利益冲突政策

政策470 -公布学生教育记录

政策710 -行政准则禁止歧视

政策712 -平等机会政策

政策830 -资讯科技

政策860 -信息安全

政策880 -系统管理职责

政策890 -使用大学资讯科技资源


Student Employment: 招聘主管须知